Why Money Matters

Rubbing Pennies started as a personal challenge to save $10,000 in one calendar year. As a young couple, we (Ian and Jen) know how important it is to live within your means, avoid acquiring a lot of debt and have a healthy financial cushion to fall on in case of emergency. On April 10, 2010, we set out on the journey of marriage with two steady incomes, a newly purchased home, one vehicle payment, and a very modest savings account. In an effort to beef up our piggy bank, we launched Rubbing Pennies in January 2012. This is our story of how we love the life we live, and how we can afford it.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Mail Order Rx

   If you have health insurance and you're on monthly prescriptions, I highly recommend using a prescription mail order service through your insurance company. I have Blue Cross Blue Shield and their service is Prime Mail. Ask your insurance company about what they offer.
   My contraceptive choice is Nuva Ring. Ladies - it's great! It's worth the extra $$. But it is not offered in a generic and costs top dollar. Before my stupid insurance copays went up, I was paying $60 per refill at a drugstore = $720/year. When I found out about mail order services through my insurance company, I switched and began paying only $100 for a 3 month supply = $400/year. That's a $420 savings!! Just for one prescription.
   The bummer is now that my health insurance has gone up - premiums, copays, everything - I now pay $200 for a 3 month supply. But I did ask, and if I went back to filling it at a drug store each month, my Rx would be $100 per refill! That's $1,200 a year for birth control. I'm beginning to think it's more expensive to NOT have a baby :o/
   Anyway, with the new insurance fees and whatnot, I'm still saving $400 a year by using the mail ordering service. Can you imagine the savings if you're on more than one Rx?! Try it!

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