Why Money Matters

Rubbing Pennies started as a personal challenge to save $10,000 in one calendar year. As a young couple, we (Ian and Jen) know how important it is to live within your means, avoid acquiring a lot of debt and have a healthy financial cushion to fall on in case of emergency. On April 10, 2010, we set out on the journey of marriage with two steady incomes, a newly purchased home, one vehicle payment, and a very modest savings account. In an effort to beef up our piggy bank, we launched Rubbing Pennies in January 2012. This is our story of how we love the life we live, and how we can afford it.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Silly Shopping

   The other day, I stopped by Kohls to pick up a gift for a bridal shower. While I was in there, I thought I should browse the sale rack for me. Just to see. Well, I ended up buying a pair of work pants and a sweater top. I mean they were on clearance and only cost me another $20 on top of what I went in there for, right?
   The fact that Target, Kohls, TJ Maxx, Ross, the Paddock Park Mall, Dillards, DSW, Old Navy and Ulta are within 10 minutes of where I work is toxic to my bank account. Confession: Last year, multiple times a week, I would go to one of these stores to "browse" during my lunch hour. I would almost always buy something. Even if it was just a scarf, pair of flats for work, whatever. But all of them were irresponsible purchases!
   This year, I'm really trying to limit my splurge shopping and nonsense trips to retail stores. I know this is one of the reasons our January credit card bill was half of what December was. So, I am making improvements! If I am going to impulse shop...I have to be really selective. Ask yourself these questions before check out: Do I really need this? Will I wear it in the next month? How many times in a year can I wear it? Is it practical for work and play?
  ***Keep receipts until the tags come off and you walk out the door wearing it. If you have buyer's remorse, you can always return it. Happens to me all the time.

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