Why Money Matters

Rubbing Pennies started as a personal challenge to save $10,000 in one calendar year. As a young couple, we (Ian and Jen) know how important it is to live within your means, avoid acquiring a lot of debt and have a healthy financial cushion to fall on in case of emergency. On April 10, 2010, we set out on the journey of marriage with two steady incomes, a newly purchased home, one vehicle payment, and a very modest savings account. In an effort to beef up our piggy bank, we launched Rubbing Pennies in January 2012. This is our story of how we love the life we live, and how we can afford it.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Confessions of a Publix snob: I went to Aldi


   I have tried for years to convert our household to primarily organic foods. It is SO expensive. Here's a previous post of mine about the expense of going organic. I have to admit I'm a Publix snob - we exist and we know who we are - so buying Greenwise or other organic brands has deterred me from going 100% organic simply because of the cost.
   I recently heard the grocery chain Aldi was a hidden gem for great prices and affordable organic options. I procrastinated trying it for so long because of my Publix snobbery and now I'm kicking myself at the money I could have been saving. When it first came to Ocala I thought it was like a Save A Lot so I steered clear. The need to save money has overcome my snobbery. My first trip took place last Friday and I was very pleasantly surprised. Here's a run down and some price comparisons.

  First of all, it's a much smaller selection than typical Pubix/Winn-Dixie stores. There's only a couple options for what you're looking for instead of 15, and they don't carry everything you need, especially if you're a baker or food enthusiast. The whole store is only like 6-7 aisles. But you can definitely supplement here and save a ton.

Aisle 1 - Snacks and Cereal: HoneyNut Cheerios were $2.65 compared to $4.39 at Publix (P). Dried blueberries, $2.45 compared to $3.99 at P. I use these for cereal or trail-mix. Unsalted pistachios 1 lb bag, $5.29 compared to $8.99. Giant bag of popcorn kernels for air popping, $1.69 compared to Orville Red canister for $2.99. Organic animal crackers, $1.69/16 oz. box. Organic strawberry/banana fruit chews, $2.49. Similar Happy Sprout organic toddler snacks in this size box are $3.99 at P.

Aisle 2 & 3 - Can/jar items: Individual 6 pack cups of organic, no sugar added applesauce, $1.49 compared to $3.99 at P not even organic. Organic pasta sauce, $1.89/jar compared to $5.79 at P. I also snagged super fun spinach and tomato pasta bow ties Grady will love for $1.79 each.

Dairy - Organic 2% milk 1/2 gal., $2.95 compared to $3.99 at P. Greek organic yogurt, $.75/cup compared to $1.25+/cup at P. An entire circle of Brie cheese, $2.99 compared to $5-6 and an 8 oz. block of creamy Havarti cheese for $2.99 compared to $4-5 at P. They also had an interesting juice selection including this delicious all natural, no sugar added watermelon juice that was amazing, $2.49 (splurge!). Coffee creamer 32 oz., $2.19 (Aldi brand) compared to $3.63 (Coffeemate) in exact same flavors we like!

   Produce - Strawberries, $1.29 (not organic) compared to $3.99 at P. **If you can't find the produce you like in organic options, I highly recommend "Fit" fruit spray to remove dirt, pesticides, etc. from all produce.** Blueberries, $.99 compared to $2.99 at P. Organic bananas bunch of 6, $1.38 compared to $3-4.

   Another great find was the wine and beer selection. They had awesome import options from Belgium, which we are now big fans after visiting earlier this year. This Boot Tread Amber 6 pack, $6.49 compared to similar imported 6 packs at $8.99.

   The check out process is kind of cool. You have to bring your own reusable bags, which I have 500 of and brought them as I had been warned by other Aldi patrons. You also need a quarter to use the shopping cart but you get it back when you return the cart. Another genius idea to cut down on employee costs for baggers/cart collectors. You have to bag your own stuff, which I appreciate because I'm picky about the way it's packed and the young bucks at Publix never do it right anyway. The cashier puts all your items in another cart that's already waiting for you while you unload yours. You then take this cart to a bagging station with lots of counter space to spread your stuff out and pack it without feeling anxiety from the shopper behind you breathing down your neck. Again, genius. Overall, the price and experience was pretty great. The staff was eager to help with any question I had. The only thing I didn't care for was that you must pay with a debit card so I don't get points by doing a credit card purchase, similar to Sams Club :(

If you haven't been, check it out!

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