Why Money Matters

Rubbing Pennies started as a personal challenge to save $10,000 in one calendar year. As a young couple, we (Ian and Jen) know how important it is to live within your means, avoid acquiring a lot of debt and have a healthy financial cushion to fall on in case of emergency. On April 10, 2010, we set out on the journey of marriage with two steady incomes, a newly purchased home, one vehicle payment, and a very modest savings account. In an effort to beef up our piggy bank, we launched Rubbing Pennies in January 2012. This is our story of how we love the life we live, and how we can afford it.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Cut Health Costs with Essential Oils

   I've been a big fan of essential oils for a few years now - for medicinal, aromatherapy and cleaning purposed. Honestly, when I first looked into it, I passed on the idea of a tiny $40 vile of scented oil as a remedy for anything serious. But all these moms and bloggers and pinners around me were swearing by it, pledging allegiance to the effectiveness of them. I did some more research and got my foot in the door with this hidden gem website: Bulk Apothecary. In addition to 100% pure therapeutic grade essential oils (at a fraction of the price of Young Living and doTERRA), they sell carrier oils, containers, soaps and raw ingredients like sugars and salts. You can by coconut oil from that site at a great price, but I also found big canisters of organic coconut oil at Sam's Club which I prefer because you save on shipping the heavy oil.
   I started with basic oils that are multipurpose like lavender, eucalyptus, peppermint and lemon. With these four, you can make a ton of illness remedy blends and cleaning supplies. You need only scour the internet for recipes and get started with trial and error. I also invested in beginner book that includes recipes and uses for each oil.
   ***Not only is there a big savings by using the apothecary site I listed above for oils, but also in eliminating costs for expensive over-the-counter medicines and household cleaners.

   ***Facts about coconut oil: It is a solid balm-like consistency at room temperature. When heated, it turns to a liquid oil (which I do for mixing purposes) and then returns to a solid when cooled. It makes a really effective balm/rub and has incredible health properties all by itself making it the best carrier oil there is. Now, fractionated coconut oil comes as a liquid oil and will remain that way. So depending on what kind of product you intend to make, be sure to pay attention when choosing the form of coconut oil. Also be sure to get refined so it is odorless. Coconut scent isn't great with everything.

   Here are a few of my favorite recipes I have tried, tweaked and now swear by. These products also make great gifts.

   Bedtime Rub: Coconut oil (8 oz), 15 drops lavender, 15 drops cedarwood. These 2 oils have relaxing and sedative properties that sooth children (and adults) to sleep. I use it on G after bath time every night. It smells delicious.

   Hormone Balance: Coconut oil (8 oz.), 15 drops clarysage, 10 drops jasmine, 10 drops bergamont. These three oils all target PMS and menopause symptoms, balance hormone production and alleviate symptoms of moodiness, cramping and breast tenderness. This rub is also helpful during pregnancy, postpartum and when weaning from nursing as all of those events cause hormone fluctuation. Clarysage has been discovered as the "go to" oil for baby blues, postpartum depression and many other reproductive-related issues.

   Bug Off Spray: Equal parts water and witch hazel in an 8 oz spray bottle, 15 drops tea tree, 10 drops citronella, 10 drops cedarwood. Witch hazel has no odor but is great as a drying agent in a spray like this, similar to alcohol. It also has healing elements and is used to treat skin rashes, diaper rash, sores, etc. The woodsy smell of tea tree, citronella and cedarwood is what detracts the bugs. This spray smells pretty good and is really effective when applied thoroughly and often when outdoors.

   Fever/Cough Buster: Coconut oil (4 oz.), 10 drops peppermint, 10 drops eucalyptus. Peppermint is the best natural remedy for fevers. Its cooling quality is impressive. I've used peppermint rub on Grady to break a fever that Tylenol/Motrin couldn't touch. After picking him up from school with a 100.5 fever that wouldn't come down after meds, I slathered him in peppermint oil and nursed him. Within 5 minutes he broke a sweat and it was gone. Earth magic. Eucalyptus is amazing for all things respiratory - asthma, bronchitis, congestion of any kind. These two oils together have become by cure all for colds and flu-like bugs.
   *There are other blends you can get that work really well for preventing the flu like "Thieves" - which has 4-5 illness fighting oils blended to smell appealing including eucalyptus and cloves. I highly recommend putting a few drops of that in a humidifier or diffuser throughout the flu season.

   Migraine Management: 5 ml of fractionated coconut oil, 5 drops peppermint, 5 drops eucalyptus in a roller ball bottle. This is the same oil combo as the fever/cough buster, just in an easy to apply on your head kind of recipe. Roll along the hairline, temple and down the neck along the aorta. The eucalyptus targets stress and tension causing headaches. Peppermint helps with the cooling/calming needed to sooth it and also nausea sometimes caused by migraines. Lavender is also a great pain reliever and can be incorporated into this recipe if you like.

   Bite/Burn Soother: (For sunburn) 4 oz. raw aloe, 5 drops peppermint, 10 drops lavender. Ian got scorched by the sun while scalloping a few weeks ago. I used this recipe to cover his burn twice a day for a couple days and it gave him a lot of relief. (For bug bites) same recipe but sub coconut oil for aloe.  

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