Although tucking money away lately has been really difficult, our last credit card bill was down several hundred dollars from the previous months. So, this proves we are still being very conscious of our spending and trying not to make unnecessary purchases. With our bills paid, we have a little extra in our checking account over and above our comfort zone so I'm dumping $400 into savings. We only have 2 months left in our calendar year to get out savings account balance to $10K.
However, holidays are around the corner which means lots of spending. Decorations, food, gifts, office secret Santa parties, printing and mailing Christmas cards, travel expenses to visit family - where does it end? Now is a good time to set some ground rules for your household to keep your budget in check.
- Limit gift giving
- Pot luck holiday parties
- Make your own decorations
- Do you really NEED another scarf?
- Check online sources for cheap travel
See next blog entry for a holiday budget makeover!
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